Course curriculum

    1. The Big Picture

    2. How Will This Catalyst Change You?

    3. Who, Exactly, Is It For?

    4. Video: Intro

    5. What, Exactly, Should I Expect?

    6. In or Out? The Moment of Decision

    7. What if My Life is a Mess Right Now?

    8. Personal Response

    9. Optional Video: My Story (Jeff)

    1. Intro

    2. 1. Why Should YOU Follow Jesus?

    3. 2. What is the Gospel?

    4. 3. What is the Good News of God's Kingdom?

    5. 4. What Does Scripture Say?

    6. 5. How Can I Remember This?

    7. Personal Reflection and Group Discussion Questions

    8. Next Step Resources

    1. Review and Preview

    2. 1. The Great Co-Mission

    3. 2. Definition and Description of a Disciple

    4. 3. Habits of a Disciple

    5. Survey: Habits I Want to Develop

    6. 4. Changing Your Mind About Discipleship

    7. 5. Activation

    8. Personal Reflection and Group Discussion Questions

    9. Next Step Resources

    1. 1. Principles for Transformation

    2. 2. What Does Scripture Say?

    3. 3. We Are Changed by Hearing and Obeying (Habits)

    4. 4. We are Changed With Others (Context)

    5. 5. We Are Changed as We Abide in God’s Love (Source)

    6. Personal Reflection and Group Discussion Questions

    7. Next Step Resources

    1. 1. Overcoming Barriers

    2. 2. Disciple Maker Assessment

    3. 3. The Process (Jesus' Example)

    4. 4. Practical Help

    5. 5. Vision and Getting Started

    6. Personal Reflection and Group Discussion Questions

    7. Next Step Resources

    1. What Now?

About this course

  • Free
  • Can be self-paced
  • Five <30 minute self-study units per session
  • Group discussion questions


Jeff Duerler


As a proven disciple making mentor, Jeff brings a lifetime of experience, passion, and training to help you get traction. His local church leadership experience as a Senior Pastor, doctoral degree in Hebrew Bible, entrepreneurial endeavors, and national disciple making network connections provide a unique and valuable perspective on the subject. Most importantly, he was forever changed through normal, everyday people like you who discipled him to disciple others, just like Jesus said. Join this journey to get to know the real Jesus and the impact that comes from following him, being changed by him, and helping others do the same.

Discover your potential, starting today